
点-10 金Ⅰ(名) ① gold ② metals ③ money ④ ancient metal percussion instruments (Au) Ⅱ(形) golden

金    Gold is Phonogram Shang dynasty already casting metal, then gold refers brass. But in fact before the Shang Dynasty, Sichuan Chengdu Shagou, etc., there is a gold fine products. "Said the text" Note: "Kim also colored yellow whom long, long buried not born clothing, Bailian not light, do not violate the leather, the West Bank from the soil around note, as shaped in the soil; this sound. . "gold is referred to the metal. Implied currency, but also refers to metal objects. As an adjective to describe like gold color. Gold metal elements, symbols Au. Yellow-red, soft, it is a precious metal. By means of money, such as cash, money, money, funds.

  金是形声字 殷商时代已有金属之铸造,当时的金是指黄铜。但实际上在商代以前,四川的成都金沙沟等处,就有金的精美制品。《说文》注:“五色金也。黄为之长,久埋不生衣,百炼不轻,从革不违,西方之行。从土,左右注,象在土中形;今声。”金为金属之统称。引申货币,又指金属器物。作形容词,形容似金之色。金为金属元素,符号Au 。黄赤色,质软,是一种贵重金属。借指货币,如现金、资金、奖金、基金等。
金Ⅰ()  gold  metals  money   ancient metal percussion instruments (Au) () golden

