
点-29 皮Ⅰ(名) ① skin ② leather; hide ③ cover; wrapper ④ a broad, flat piece (of some thin material); sheet Ⅱ(形) ① become soft and soggy ② naughty ③ thick-skinned

皮   Leather Leather is knowing the word. Like handheld scraper stripping the skins of the form. "Said the text" Note: "stripping Beast Called the leather skin, from another (refer manpower), but to save the sound." Means the stripping leather hides produced leather craftsmen, also refers to skins. By means of the surface layer of animal and plant tissue, or that refers to the surface of the object to the outside of the package stuff. As an adjective, it means toughness, strong, not delicate. Describe naughty child naughty, naughty or mischievous said.

()  skin  leather; hide  cover; wrapper  a broad, flat piece (of some thin material); sheet ()  become soft and soggy  naughty  thick-skinned

