
五是4000-5000年前的古印度象形文字 Fifth 4000--5000 historical ancient Indian pictographs


    Fifth 4000--5000 historical ancient Indian pictographs

 BC Indus civilization substantially in 3000- 1750 BC. Indus civilization was the first to draw attention to explore the 18th-century ruins of Harappa. Here found metropolis residual site. Mid-19th century, the Archaeological Survey of India director Kang Ninghan second time to Ha Bala, discover a strange seal. In 1922, a chance led to the discovery is located 600 kilometers south of Harappa at horse enjoy Zuo Damo relics unearthed here and Harappa excavated items are similar, it was thought 50 years ago unearthed from Harappa seal ,
    However, after several generations of hard work cryptanalysts and linguists, it has still to decipher without the text on the seal. Indian River unearthed a large number of seal inscription, inscriptions demonstrate these Indians have read and write, these hieroglyphic inscriptions are considered, it has been found nearly 400, but has not yet been deciphered.
    Text Indus Valley as hieroglyphics, read the previous row from left to right, from right to left to read the next line. The wording for the early Greeks to follow, called "left to right, from right to left complex interaction trip calligraphy" - "like a cow plow the same."

    Our understanding of the Indus civilization is far less than one of the reasons for the Sumerian and Egyptian civilizations, the Indus civilization is written in the body of the still unreached decipher. These symbols may provide some of these sentences to write about what people clues. From the linguistic point of view, they seem to be part of the ancestors of today's residents of southern India, some scholars suspect they may be closer to the Iranians. But writing body Indus civilization was the Sumerian anything, especially nothing in common with cuneiform. This in itself convincing proof of the ancient Indus civilization is not Mesopotamia offshoot civilization, but an independent creation.

