穴 Oracle-shaped hole like caves. "Wen said," NOTE: ". Soil room also," this refers to the caves of ancient human habitation or soil chambers. It refers to the kiln hole, hole, animal nest, pit of buried materials. Extension refers to the bad guys of the entrenched hiding. Chinese medicine refers to the acupuncture points.
穴 甲骨文象洞穴之形。《说文》注:“土室也。”本指古代人类居住之洞穴或土室。泛指洞窑、窟窿、动物之窝、埋材料之坑等。引申指坏人盘踞藏匿之所。中医则指针灸之穴位。
穴 (名) ① cave; den; hole ②aperture