谁 Who is who Phonogram. Words are the pictogram; for the short-tailed bird sound character. Although this word and the word line of succession, can be found ", although" interpretation of the word. "Said the text" Note: "He is also from the words, short-tailed bird sound.." Who is the interrogative pronouns, the equivalent of "what", "who", "what" and "who" used the rhetorical question, saying that "no one." also means people are not sure.
谁 谁是形声字。言为形符;隹为声符。此字与虽字一脉相承,可参看“虽”字的解释。《说文》注:“何也。从言,隹声。”谁是疑问代词,相当于“什么”“什么人”“哪个人” “哪些人。”用于反问句,表示“没有人”,亦指不能肯定的人。
谁 谁是形声字。言为形符;隹为声符。此字与虽字一脉相承,可参看“虽”字的解释。《说文》注:“何也。从言,隹声。”谁是疑问代词,相当于“什么”“什么人”“哪个人” “哪些人。”用于反问句,表示“没有人”,亦指不能肯定的人。
谁 [誰] (代) ① who ② nobody ③ anybody