印 Oracle Elephant Man will be printed according to the shape of the next finger. Indian original meaning is pressed mark. After Inca next hand, the suppression of the word become depressed. The Indian refers seals, stamps. "Said the text" Note: "Power held the letter from the claw from Jie.." Token is held by Indian officials in power, that the official seal. It refers to a variety of seal, imprint. Implied in line, trace, proof, impression, reproduction and printing. It refers to India as a country name for transliteration of lndia.
印 甲骨文象人将手指下按之形。印原义为按压、印记。后将印加手旁,变成压抑之抑字。而印则指印信、印章。《说文》注:“执政所持信也。从爪,从卩。”印是当政官员所持之信物,即官印。泛指各种印章、印记。引申符合、痕迹、印证、印象、翻印、印刷等。作国名指印度,为lndia之译音。
印 甲骨文象人将手指下按之形。印原义为按压、印记。后将印加手旁,变成压抑之抑字。而印则指印信、印章。《说文》注:“执政所持信也。从爪,从卩。”印是当政官员所持之信物,即官印。泛指各种印章、印记。引申符合、痕迹、印证、印象、翻印、印刷等。作国名指印度,为lndia之译音。
印Ⅰ(名) ① seal; stamp; chop ② print; mark Ⅱ(动) ① print; engrave ② tally; conform