进 Like a bird foot forward into the Oracle removal of the form. Bird foot of no return, with the birds feet into the action is, very vivid metaphor. "Said the text" Note: "Deng also said upward move into.." The original meaning of progress, but also point to move on. Extended offer, goes admission revenue. Used after the verb, that action from the outside to the inside.
进 甲骨文象鸟足向前移走之形。鸟脚只能进不能退,用鸟脚动作为进,比喻十分生动。《说文》注:“登也。向上移动曰进。”本义前进,又指向上移动。引申奉上、呈上、接纳、收入。用在动词后,表示动作由外到里。
进 甲骨文象鸟足向前移走之形。鸟脚只能进不能退,用鸟脚动作为进,比喻十分生动。《说文》注:“登也。向上移动曰进。”本义前进,又指向上移动。引申奉上、呈上、接纳、收入。用在动词后,表示动作由外到里。
进 [進] (动) ① advance; move forward; move ahead ② enter; come or go into; get into ③ receive ④ eat; drink; take ⑤ submit; present