授Oracle grant Elephant Man hand ship market or to the other side of the form. "Said the text" Note: "I also from the hand, from the subject, that is also sound.." Grant justice to giv e, give and convey, release, Wei Yong, appointments and so on. The knowledge, skills taught preaching to his person. As a noun, refers professor.
授 甲骨文象人用手将船只或大盘交给对方之形。《说文》注:“予也。从手,从受,受亦声。”授义为给予、付与、传达、下达、委用、任用等。将学问、技艺传教给他人称传授。作名词,指教授。
授 甲骨文象人用手将船只或大盘交给对方之形。《说文》注:“予也。从手,从受,受亦声。”授义为给予、付与、传达、下达、委用、任用等。将学问、技艺传教给他人称传授。作名词,指教授。
授 (动) ① award; vest; confer; give ② teach; instruct