堆 Heap is the phonetic word. Soil for the pictogram; for the short-tailed bird sound character. "Wen said," no such word? Heap refers to the small bag of soil mound. Extended bunching cumulative. Analogy many people or many of the things. For names, such as Sanxingdui Sichuan, Hunan Mawangdui like.Heap is the phonetic word. Soil for the pictogram; for the short-tailed bird sound character. "Wen said," no such word? Heap refers to the small bag of soil mound. Extended bunching cumulative. Analogy many people or many of the things. For names, such as Sanxingdui Sichuan, Hunan Mawangdui like.
堆 堆是形声字。土为形符;隹为声符。《说文》无此字?堆指小土包、土墩。引申堆聚、累积。比喻众多之人或众多之事物。用于地名,如四川三星堆、湖南马王堆等。
堆 堆是形声字。土为形符;隹为声符。《说文》无此字?堆指小土包、土墩。引申堆聚、累积。比喻众多之人或众多之事物。用于地名,如四川三星堆、湖南马王堆等。
堆Ⅰ(动) pile up; stack Ⅱ(名) heap; pile; stack Ⅲ(量) heap; pile; crowd