
《汉字解码歌》30 数字歌 "Chinese character decoding song" 30 digital songs

《汉字解码歌》30 数字歌        


                       汪 岚 2017 2 2

"Chinese character decoding song" 30 
digital songs
                (Transfer to send "Honghu water, waves hit the waves")

Hand is shaped,
With a number of dollars,
Hands to take the counter.
Female characters have always been Yao爻,
A good number of objects to remember.

                        Wang Lan 2017 2 2

解码汉字30 “数”是古人计数的标识方法。 30 "number" is the ancient count of the identification method.

30  “是古人计数的标识方法。
 [] () ① count ② be particularly conspicuous by comparison ③ enumerate; list


30 "number" is the ancient count of the identification method.

"Number" on the right side of the index is consistent, string, the next count is the use of "Yao" (later mistakenly written for the female word), the left is a hand holding a counting device.
Numbers are knowing the word.攴 for the character, like the hand to make the shape of Kei. "Said the text" Note: "count also from the 攴, Lou sound." The number of points is calculated. Extended enumeration, analogy. By blame, list fault. As a noun, index, algebra, arithmetic, digital and so on.
Count count count

The ancients marked the specific method is:
One (number of Yao) ---------------------- one
Two (number of Yao) ---------------------- two
Three (number of Yao) ---------------------- three
Four (number of Yao) ---------------------- IV
Five (number of Yao) ---------------------- V.
Six (number Yao) marked half, simplified to six
Seven digital Yao cut marked as seven
Eight number of Yao Xiang marked eight
Nine to hand too much bending marked as nine
Ten number of intersecting marked as ten
The weight of one hundred bags is marked as one hundred
Thousands more than ten intersect to thousands

Million to Scorpion (insects) marked as many million

《汉字解码歌》29 事字歌 "Chinese character decoding song" 29 Things word song

《汉字解码歌》29 事字歌        


                       汪 岚 2017 2 2

"Chinese character decoding song" 29 Things word song
                (Transfer to send "Honghu water, waves hit the waves")

Things are shaped,
Things like knot rope,
A string of collusion.
Hands under the  will be knots,
Past events are also clear.

                        Wang Lan 2017 2 2

29 “事”反映了古人结绳记事的历史事实。 29 "things" reflects the historical facts of the ancients knot rope.

29 “反映了古人结绳记事的历史事实。
字中间的一长线,指的是绳。由上而下,上面一横与绳交为十字,表示早已过去的事情。中间一方形在两个点上结于绳上,表示刚完结的若干事情 。下面是一只手的三个手指交结于绳上,表示当前正在做的事情。

Ⅰ() ① matter; affair; thing; business ② trouble; accident ③ job; work ④ responsibility; involvement Ⅱ() be engaged in

 []Ⅰ() rope; cord; string Ⅱ() restrict; restrain

 []Ⅰ() ① tie; knit; knot; weave ② congeal; form; forge; cement ③ settle; conclude Ⅱ() knot

29 "things" reflects the historical facts of the ancients knot rope.

The long line in the middle of the word refers to the rope. From top to bottom, the top cross with a rope cross, that things have long past. The middle square knotted at two points on the rope, indicating a number of things just finished. Here is a hand of the three fingers crossed on the rope, that is currently doing.

Things like a hand-written or hand-held briar deacon. Knowing to engage. Bu Shi things and history with the word. "Said the text" Note: "The staff also from the history of the province of sound." Things that things, but also refers to the official position. Extended, engaged, served, served, responsibilities, relationships, facts. Everything must be an accident, it is by means of disaster, accident.
Ⅰ() ① matter; affair; thing; business ② trouble; accident ③ job; work ④ responsibility; involvement Ⅱ() be engaged in

Rope is knowing the word, in the past has been mistaken for a phonetic word. Shito for the character, said the rope. Strider is also a character, seal characters strider word, like a multi-knot of the rope. Bend the top kink, and then to the right for the next bend, the left bend, and finally to the bottom of a curve upturned, this is not what we usually see a number of knots and play the winding rope? . "Said the text" Note: "rope also from the Shito, flies provincial sound." Rope justice for the rope, rope. Extended rules, standards. As a verb, referring to correction, sanctions.
Rope [rope] Ⅰ (名) rope; cord; string Ⅱ (动) restrict; restrain

Knot is knowing the word, and later changed to the phonetic word. "Said the text" Note: "Association also. From Shito, Kyrgyzstan sound." Results for the knot, the Department of lumps, that is, with rope rope knot. Extended condensation, freezing, combining and so on. Combined with complete, said the knot. A written acknowledgment or guarantee of responsibility. A certain stage of development of things the final state of change, said the results.

Knot; knot; weave ② congeal; form; forge; cement ③ settle; conclusion Ⅱ (名) knot


《汉字解码歌》28 祭字歌 "Chinese character decoding song" 28 offering the word song

《汉字解码歌》28 祭字歌        


                       汪 岚 2017 2 1

"Chinese character decoding song" 28 offering the word song
                (Transfer to send "Honghu water, waves hit the waves")

示 is shaped,
Holding meat to sacrifice,
Heaven and earth gods to enjoy worship.
殷Yin people sacrifice year after year,
For the first conquest flag conquest.

                        Wang Lan 2017 2 1

解码汉字28 “祭”是古人对天地神灵、祖先、先贤、英烈的祭祀。 28 "Festival" is the ancients of heaven and earth gods, ancestors, sages, martyrs of the sacrifice.

28 “是古人对天地神灵、祖先、先贤、英烈的祭祀。

() ① hold a memorial ceremony for② offer a sacrifice to 

 () offer sacrifices to the gods or the spirits of the dead


28 "Festival" is the ancients of heaven and earth gods, ancestors, sages, martyrs of the sacrifice.

Sacrifice the bone as a hand-held meat held in the form of sacrifice (right is a leg meat, left hand, a few drops of blood, which is the oldest way of worship). "Said the text" Note: "Festival, worship also." Festival justice for the worship. Extended offerings, ancestors, offering sacrifice to God, and so on. There are sacrifices in the war flag.
Offer a memorial ceremony for ② offer a sacrifice to

Sacrifice a bone like a man kneeling in God only tablets before the worship of the day shape. "Said the text" Note: "worship days have also. From the show, have been sound." Si Yi as a sacrifice, but also refers to the place of worship. Yin large sacrificial activities once a year, so every year, it also extended the meaning of Si, or the world, generation.
Offer sacrifices to the gods or the spirits of the dead

Chinese ancient ritual is very grand. Sacrificial venues are: flat, flat pit, altar, ancestral temple, grave and so on. Types are: meat, feeding, jade silk, paper money, livestock, human sacrifice, blood sacrifice and so on.
In Beijing, the Temple of Heaven, the altar, the altar, on the altar, the Ming Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty emperors worship sites.

The majestic Tiananmen heroic monument is a memorial hall for many martyrs since 1840, 1911, 1921, 1931, since 1946 for the Chinese nation, the Chinese revolution, the war of resistance against Japan and the war of liberation.

《汉字解码歌》27 兆字歌 "Chinese character decoding song" 27 兆 word song

《汉字解码歌》27 兆字歌        



                       汪 岚 2017 2 1

"Chinese character decoding song" 27 
兆 word song
                (Transfer to send "Honghu water, waves hit the waves")

兆 is the shape,
"卜兆" is the name,
Divination based on crack.
According to cracked bad luck Kyrgyzstan,
What can not do?

                        Wang Lan 2017 2 1

解码汉字27 “兆”是占卜结果的显示。 27 "兆" is the divination of the results show.

27  “是占卜结果的显示。

   甲骨文象古时在龟甲上烧灼出现裂纹之形(右有弯曲一划,二直划:左有弯曲一划,一直划。兆字的原形)。《说文》注:灼龟坼也。从卜, 象形。兆即卜兆,炙灼龟甲后所显现并据以占卜之裂纹。引申兆头、吉兆、凶兆等。作动词,指预先显示。作数词,兆为一百万,古代指万亿,形容极多极多。兆赫,每秒钟震动100万次为一兆赫,

Ⅰ() sign; omen; portent Ⅱ() ① million; mega- ② a million millions; billion Ⅲ() portend; foretell

27 "兆" is the divination of the results show.

Megabox as in ancient tortoise shells on the burning of the shape of a crack (right there is a bend of the plan, two straight: left a bend a stroke, has been designated. Trillion word prototype). "Shuo Wen" Note: "Burning turtle 坼 also. From Bu, pictographic." Trillion trillion that is, after the shelling of the shells of the Sunburn and according to the divination of the crack. Extended oath, auspicious trillion omen. As a verb. For the numerals, trillion for one million, refers to the ancient trillion, described as extremely many. Megahertz, 1 million times per second vibration of a megahertz,

Meg (a) million; port Ⅲ (motion) portend; foretell

《汉字解码歌》26 卜字歌 "Chinese character decoding song" 26 Bu word song

《汉字解码歌》26 卜字歌        



                       汪 岚 2017 2 1

"Chinese character decoding song" 26 
Bu word song
                (Transfer to send "Honghu water, waves hit the waves")

Bu is shaped,
Burning with oracle bones,
Based on the crack to decide.
Cracks are straight and oblique,
Judge good and bad fortune.

                        Wang Lan 2017 2 1

解码汉字26 “卜”是人们企图求问于天神、祖先的一种方式。 26 "Bu" is an attempt to ask the gods, ancestors of a way.

26 “是人们企图求问于天神、祖先的一种方式。


 () practise divination

Ⅰ() divination; fortunetelling Ⅱ()① () foretell; predict ② () select; choose




26 "Bu" is an attempt to ask the gods, ancestors of a way.

In ancient times, people ask good and bad fortune, hoping to heaven, land, ancestors and all the gods dialogue, the use of "BU" or "accounted for" in the form, to determine their course of action. Shang Oracle archives, a large number of preserved this information. What is divination?

Accounting for the use of divination like the tortoise shells of the shape. "Said the text" Note: "As the trillion asked also from the BU, from the mouth." Collectively known as divination. In the Shang Dynasty, often Zhenzhen preemptive, after the judge by the Yin and the bad. This word and read zhàn.
Practicing divination

O Oracle as the ancient bones in the burning crack shape, has been painting, a ramp painting. "Said the text" Note: "burning Tortoise also. Like Sunburn Turtle shape. Where Bu Bu are from the BU." The original meaning refers to the use of shells. Extended selection, speculation, prediction.
(1) divination; fortunetelling Ⅱ (动) ① (书) foretell; predict ② (书) select; choose

"Bu" means "burning turtle": "refers to" refers to "as the trillion question", that is, according to the pattern to determine good and bad. Collectively known as divination. , Broadly speaking, divination, including:
Divination, refers to the use of turtle, yarrow and other tools to predict certain matters, different times use different methods, history also has innovation, such as Dongfang Shuo's "Ling chess" is a special piece and special formulas to predict.
Phase surgery, refers to the person's demeanor, temperament, face, body parts and other observations to predict good and bad fortune and all kinds of affairs.
Astrology, astrology in China is known as the seven political four, mainly to show the country and the monarch's fortunes, governance or not. Early and astronomical close, then gradually separated.
Fu, refers to the use of a Department of the Department of Liu Shau Kei, by Fu Man through the ceremony, the so-called "Mastery of God", the gods of the message written on the sand table.
To sign, in the temple to the gods to report their problems encountered, the request for God's meaning of the text, poetry (commonly known as signing poetry), to throw to confirm.
Measured word, the use of diviners to ask questions on the Chinese characters, calculate the problem of good and bad.
Star life, geographical position with the birth of eight characters, etc. compared with the natural analogy to predict.
Dreams, according to the dream situation, to borrow natural or other personnel analogy, to draw some predictive results.
Accounting for gas, the use of the sky and so the performance of color, etc., mainly used to predict the situation of war, in ancient military writings, such a chapter is essential.
Temperament, the use of sound performance to predict or explain human affairs.
Fu Rui, according to unusual things to predict good and bad fortune and national fortune, usually will be used, such as Chen Sheng Wu Guang uprising.

In China, since ancient times, there has been a philosophical idea of ​​the unity of heaven and man, so the Chinese think that the rise and fall of personnel can be manifested through natural changes and captured in the process of divination. On the one hand, divination is a mysticism, and on the other hand, the practical application of various natural scientific experiences.
Although divination itself can also be used to find information that has occurred but is not directly accessible because of conditions, most people seem to be more interested in using it for future exploration. "Gua" cloud: "a few to those who Shun, to know who is against, so" easy "inverse number." That is the meaning.
Science can measure the weather phenomena that have already occurred, and thus successfully predict future weather changes, such as solar eclipses, weather predictions, and volcanic eruptions, but these are not divination at all. Strictly speaking, divination presupposes the influence of some kind of supernatural power or fate, and scientific prediction is a mechanized way of relying on scientific laws, no emotional materialist dialectics, and repetitive operations. Therefore, from the operational definition, all non-scientific methods used to predict the activities, can be said to be divination.

In addition to this simple explanation of anecdotes, there are some serious theories on how divination works. One of the theories with the empirical basis of science is based on the subconscious. According to this theory, divination is a process of deciphering the messages in the unconscious. And believe that the source of these messages is supernatural or mysterious power, it is the theoretical and scientific explanation of the difference between.

《汉字解码歌》25 示字歌 "Chinese character decoding song" 25 示 word song

《汉字解码歌》25 示字歌        



                       汪 岚 2017 2 1

"Chinese character decoding song" 25 
示 word song
                (Transfer to send "Honghu water, waves hit the waves")

Show is shaped,
One horizontal table sky,
Shows sacrifices and good and bad.
Observed from time to time,
Worship gods in nine heavy.

                        Wang Lan 2017 1 30

解码汉字25 “示”是古人对天神的崇敬 25 "示" is the ancient worship of the gods

25 “是古人对天神的崇敬   


 () show; notify; instruct

1      祗是形声字。示为形符;氐为声符。《说文》注:敬也,从示,氐声。祗义为恭敬。古代祭神,必须心诚而恭敬。此字与祇()不同,祇指地神。
(动)respect; bribute

2      甲骨文象人跪于神祗牌位之前祀天之形。《说文》注:祭天巳也。从示,巳声。祀义为祭祀,又指祭祀之场所。殷人大型祭祀活动一年一次,年年如此,故祀又引申指年,或指世、代。
 () offer sacrifices to the gods or the spirits of the dead

3      甲骨文象祭祀所用之标识上挂有饰物之形。《说文》注:求福也。从示,斤声。祈义为向上天或鬼神、祈祷、求福。引申请求、恳求、乞求。
 () pray; entreat

 4      禳是形声字。示为形符;襄为声符。《说文》注:磔禳祀,除疠殃也。从示,襄声。禳为祭名,磔牲以攘除邪殃。磔牲即分裂牲体。此种祭祀方式是古时燧人氏为其子行祭消灾去祸所创始。禳作动词,指祈求神灵。引申禳解、禳除。 
 () avert (a misfortune or disaster by prayers)

5       甲骨文象二口交互求告之形。《说文》注:告事求福也。从示,寿声。祷义为因事向神祝告求福,如祈祷、祷告、祝祷等。
 []( pray  beg ask earnestly

6     禅是形声字。示为形符;单为声符。《说文》注:祭天也。从示,单声。中国古代君王将王位传让于贤者,并举行祭天仪式,称禅让。引申替代。读chán则为佛教用语。
 [禅让 [szan rang] () abdicate the throne (in favour of another person) 

25 "示" is the ancient worship of the gods

 "示" is the ancient worship of the gods. First, indicating days, one on a cross-plan, referring to the nine heavy days. God to day, month, star changes, showing good and bad fortune to people.

Oracle as the image of days like the shape. Concrete also refers to the worship, but also refers to the sacrificial altar. "Said the text" Note: "days like the sky, see good and bad, so that people are also from the two (two, the ancient text on the word), three vertical stars on the view." Astronomy to observe the time change. The original meaning of show, show, worship. Extended instructions, instructions, demonstrations, demonstrations, and so on.

 () show; notify; instruct

And "示" a lot of directly related to Chinese characters, for example;
1 is only a phonetic word. Shown for the character; Di for the sound symbol. "Said the text" Note: "King also, from the show, Di sound." Only as respectful. Ancient ritual, must be sincere and respectful. This word and only (qí) is different, referring only to God.
(动)respect; bribute

2 worship of bone like a man kneeling in God only tablets before the worship of heaven-shaped. "Said the text" Note: "worship days have also. From the show, have been sound." Si Yi as a sacrifice, but also refers to the place of worship. Yin large sacrificial activities once a year, so every year, it also extended the meaning of Si, or the world, generation.
 () offer sacrifices to the gods or the spirits of the dead

3 pray Oracle Bone Sacrifices used in the logo on the shape of the ornaments. "Said the text" Note: "Qiufu also from the show, Jin sound." I pray for justice to heaven or spirits, prayer, and blessing. Request, beg, beg.

 () pray; entreat

 4 assert assertion is the phonetic word. Shown as a symbol; Xiang as a symbol. "Said the text" Note: "磔 assassination, in addition to the pestilence is also from the show, Xiang sound." Assert the sacrifice of the name, 磔 sacrifice in addition to evil in addition to evil. The sacrifice is the division of the body. This kind of sacrificial way is the ancient Suiren Shi for his son line offering disaster disaster to disaster. Assert as a verb, refers to pray for gods. Extended Mishu solution, in addition to limit.

 () avert (a misfortune or disaster by prayers)

5 prayer Oracle as a two-mouth interactive call of the shape. "Said the text" Note: "pray for the blessing also from the show, Shou-sheng." Prayer for the sake of things to God for blessing, such as prayer, prayer, prayer and so on.

 []( pray  beg ask earnestly

6 Zen is the phonetic word. Shown as a symbol; "Said the text" Note: "Heaven also. From the show, monosyllable." Ancient Chinese kings will be passed on to the Sage, and held a sacrifice ceremony, said the meditation. Extended substitution. Reading chán compared to Buddhist terms.
 [禅让 [szan rang] () abdicate the throne (in favour of another person)