酉 Unitary Oracle like wine jars filled shape. "Wen said," NOTE: ". It also into August millet, may exercise discretion in wine." Unitary meaning to it. Unitary refers to the brewery. Inscriptions used as one of twelve, and sacrifice for God Bong. Shi, referring to 5-7 pm.
酉 甲骨文象酒坛盛酒之形。《说文》注:“就也。八月黍成,可为酎酒。”酉义为就。酉指造酒。卜辞用作十二支之一,又作奉神之祭。酉时,指下午5—7时。
酉 甲骨文象酒坛盛酒之形。《说文》注:“就也。八月黍成,可为酎酒。”酉义为就。酉指造酒。卜辞用作十二支之一,又作奉神之祭。酉时,指下午5—7时。
酉 (名) the tenth of the twelve Earthly Branches