蹶 Kick kick is Phonogram. Jue is shaped symbol; enough for the sound character. "Said the text" Note: "Jue from stiff enough to sound a jump also said.." Lying to kick. Another argument for the jump. As adjectives, metaphors failure or frustration.
蹶 蹶是形声字。厥为形符;足为声符。《说文》注:“僵也。从厥,足声。一曰跳也。”蹶为僵卧。另一说法为跳。作形容词,比喻失败或挫折。
蹶 蹶是形声字。厥为形符;足为声符。《说文》注:“僵也。从厥,足声。一曰跳也。”蹶为僵卧。另一说法为跳。作形容词,比喻失败或挫折。
蹶 (动) ① fall ② suffer a setback