
足-34 路Ⅰ(名)① road; path; way ② journey; distance ③ way; means ④ sequence; line; logic ⑤ route ⑥ sort; grade; class Ⅱ(量) number of the bus (tram) line

路   Lu is knowing the word. Foot means walking, each step means each side. Knowing facilitate the unimpeded two-way road to walk. "Said the text" Note: "Road from foot from each.." Xu Xuan Note: "Words are the way people have their own fitness." That way road. Extended journey, road, route, queue, trajectory. Road and refers to the direction of thought or action, the way. Borrowing terms, regions, species.

() road; path; way  journey; distance  way; means  sequence; line; logic  route  sort; grade; class () number of the bus (tram) line

