距 Distance from the phonetic word. Enough for the pictogram; giant acoustic character. "Wen said," NOTE: ".. Away from the chicken foot, Giant Voice" chicken foot protruding from its back like projecting portion of the toe. By means of the two separated by the length of said distance. Extended leave.
距 距是形声字。足为形符;巨为声符。《说文》注:“鸡距也。从足,巨声。”距指鸡足后面突出象脚趾之突出部分。借指两者相隔之长度,称距离。引申离开。
距 距是形声字。足为形符;巨为声符。《说文》注:“鸡距也。从足,巨声。”距指鸡足后面突出象脚趾之突出部分。借指两者相隔之长度,称距离。引申离开。
距Ⅰ(名) distance Ⅱ(动) be apart (or away) from; be at a distance from