疑 Oracle Elephant Man suspected of hesitation Zhu stick stand next to Crossroads outstanding shape. Seal with "child", "stop" as a pictogram. "Wen said," Note:. "Undecided also, from the dagger, carry sound" and note "from confused child, stop, dagger, vector sound.." The original meaning of puzzled doubt, but that can not be determined. Extended suspicion, doubt, questioning, doubt, doubts and so on. As a noun, referring to difficult problems.
疑 甲骨文象人拄杖立于歧路旁犹疑未决之形。篆书加上“子”“止”作形符。《说文》注:“未定也,从匕,矣声。”又注“惑也。从子、止、匕,矢声。”yi本义疑惑,又指不能确定。引申猜疑、怀疑、质疑、存疑、释疑等。作名词,指疑难问题。
疑 甲骨文象人拄杖立于歧路旁犹疑未决之形。篆书加上“子”“止”作形符。《说文》注:“未定也,从匕,矣声。”又注“惑也。从子、止、匕,矢声。”yi本义疑惑,又指不能确定。引申猜疑、怀疑、质疑、存疑、释疑等。作名词,指疑难问题。
疑 Ⅰ(动) doubt; disbelieve; suspect Ⅱ(形) doubtful; uncertain