
(九十四) 走 (动) ① walk; go ② run; move ③ leave; depart ④ pay a visit to ⑤ leak; leak out; let out ⑥ depart from the original

走   Oracle Elephant Man walking out of shape, the front swing arms for the next like, very vividly reflect the path of meaning. "Said the text" Note: "trend from prematurely ended prematurely stop by, Qu also..." Xu Kai Note: "go the full flexion, so from the tender." Walking is increasingly refers to walking, running. Extended leave, leave, move, move, leakage, disclosed that after, communication, etc. deviate.

 ()  walk; go  run; move  leave; depart  pay a visit to  leak; leak out; let out  depart from the original

