跷 Rocker Rocker is the phonetic word. Go for the pictogram; Yao is sound. "Said the text" Note: "Rocker said row of light looks a move away from the foot, Yao sound..." Is defined as traveling light Rocker Rocker. Further defined as the foot held high.
跷 跷是形声字。走为形符;尧为声符。《说文》注:“行轻貌。一曰跷举足也。从走,尧声。”跷义为行走轻跷。又一义为将足举高。
跷 跷是形声字。走为形符;尧为声符。《说文》注:“行轻貌。一曰跷举足也。从走,尧声。”跷义为行走轻跷。又一义为将足举高。
跷 [蹺]Ⅰ(动) lift up (a leg); hold up (a finger); on tiptone Ⅱ(名) stilts