瑶 Yao Yao is the phonetic word. Jade pictogram, remote acoustic character. "Said the text": Yao, beautiful stone. Yao refers to the beauty of jade stone, also refers to jade. Qin, refers to jade decorative piano, refers to the fine precious instrument. Yao Pei means with accessories made of jade. Yao [Yao nationality], refers to a nation live mainly in southwestern China and northern Thailand, Laos and North Bay and other places mountains
瑶 瑶是形声字。玉为形符,遥为声符。《说文》:瑶,石之美者。瑶指似玉的美石,亦泛指美玉 。瑶琴,是指用美玉装饰的琴,泛指精美贵重的乐器。瑶佩,是指用美玉制成的佩饰。瑶族 [Yao nationality],是指主要居住在中国西南部,以及泰国北部、老挝和北部湾等地山区的一个民族
瑶 (名)beautiful stone. Yao nationality
玉-38 瑶 (名)beautiful stone. Yao nationality
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