詮 Quan Quan is the phonetic word. Words are the pictogram; full of sound. "Said the text" Note: "a statement from the whole sound.." Interpretations that explain in detail to clarify the affair. As a noun, it refers to truth, common sense.
诠 诠是形声字。言为形符;全为声符。《说文》注:“具也。从言,全声。”诠谓详细解释,阐明事理。作名词,指道理、事理。
诠 诠是形声字。言为形符;全为声符。《说文》注:“具也。从言,全声。”诠谓详细解释,阐明事理。作名词,指道理、事理。
诠 [詮] 诠释 [chuan szi] (动) annotate; make explanatory notes