裘 Oracle fur as fur shaped exposed the furs. Qiu and seek common word. Later renamed Phonogram, clothing for the pictogram; seek acoustic character. "Wen said," NOTE: ". Leather from clothing, seeking a voice said, pictograms, and clothes decay agreed Ancient province..." The fur is hairy leather.
裘 甲骨文象毛皮外露之皮裘形。求与裘二字通用。后改为形声字,衣为形符;求为声符。《说文》注:“皮衣也。从衣,求声。一曰象形,与衰同意。古文省衣。”裘为带毛之皮衣。
裘 甲骨文象毛皮外露之皮裘形。求与裘二字通用。后改为形声字,衣为形符;求为声符。《说文》注:“皮衣也。从衣,求声。一曰象形,与衰同意。古文省衣。”裘为带毛之皮衣。
裘 (名) fur coat