琳 Lin Lin is the phonetic word. Jade is shaped symbol; Lin sound character. "Wen said," NOTE: ".. Jade from jade, Lin Sheng" Guo Lin is the name also refers to a number of jade, such as forests. Dazzling metaphor a lot of good things.
琳 琳是形声字。玉为形符;林为声符。《说文》注:“美玉也。从玉,林声。”琳为美玉之名又指美玉众多如林。琳琅满目,比喻美好的东西很多很多。
琳 琳是形声字。玉为形符;林为声符。《说文》注:“美玉也。从玉,林声。”琳为美玉之名又指美玉众多如林。琳琅满目,比喻美好的东西很多很多。
琳 (名) beautiful jade