夙 Su Oracle Elephant Man hands holding months of the form. Knowing the moon did not get up early to work on the downhill. "Said the text" Note: "Early King also hold things, although endlessly evening, early respect also.." Is Su morning, but also for Jingshen. As an adjective, refers to the past, there's, usually of.
夙 甲骨文象人双手捧月之形。会意月亮没有落山就早起做事。《说文》注:“早敬也。持事,虽夕不休,早敬者也。”夙为早晨,又为敬慎。作形容词,指过去就有的、平素的。
夙 甲骨文象人双手捧月之形。会意月亮没有落山就早起做事。《说文》注:“早敬也。持事,虽夕不休,早敬者也。”夙为早晨,又为敬慎。作形容词,指过去就有的、平素的。
夙 (书)Ⅰ(名) early in the morning Ⅱ(形) long-standing; old