霸 Oracle Associative. Monthly pictogram, the other symbols to distinguish between different shapes of the moon. Pa refers to four phases of the moon, the beginning of the first half of Kyrgyzstan, both raw cream. The second half, both hope that hegemony. "Said the text" Note: "May the beginning of life, Pa also-ran." Xu Xuan Note: "now that the King word." Refers to the ancient vassal princes Alliance. Extended relied on the power usurped, overbearing, fierce. Now commonly refers to hegemony.
霸 甲骨文会意字。以月为形符,另一部分符号表示月亮不同形状之区分。霸指四分月相,上半月初吉,既生霜。下半月,既望,即反霸。《说文》注:“月始生,霸然也。”徐铉注:“今以为霸王字。”指古代诸候联盟之首领。引申依仗权势强占、霸道、凶狠。今常用指霸权。
霸Ⅰ(名) ①(首领) chief of feudal princes; overlord ②(恶霸) tyrant; despot; bully ③(霸权) hegemonist power Ⅱ(动) dominate;lord it over;tyrannize over