
足-49 跳 (动) ① jump; leap; spring; bounce ② move up and down; beat ③ skip (over)

跳   Jump Jump is a phonetic word. Foot (or down) the pictogram; megabytes of sound character. "Wen said," There are two NOTE: ".. Line from bird walk, megasonic" 12 "from foot kick, said megasonic a jump also..." Refers to hop jump as bird walks, but also refers to jump. Kick, even if the body suddenly from the ground up or move out. Extended bounce, vibration, over, across and the like.

  跳是形声字。足(或走)为形符;兆为声符。《说文》有二注: 1“雀行也。从走,兆声。”2“蹶也。从足,兆声。一曰跃也。”跳指如雀跳跃行走,又指跳起来。蹶,即使身体突然离地向上或向前。引申弹起、振动、越过、跨过等。
 ()  jump; leap; spring; bounce  move up and down; beat  skip (over)

足-48 蹄 (名) hoof

蹄   Hoof hoof is the phonetic word. Enough for the pictogram; Dili is phonetic. Hoofed livestock refers to the stiff toe cuticle, also refers to the birth of such cuticle foot. Under the guise of an army, called iron heel.

 () hoof

足-47 踢 (动) ① kick ② play (football)

踢   Kick kick is phonetic characters, enough for the pictogram; easy for the sound character. "Wen said," NOTE: ".. Drop kick from the foot, easy to grab also said a voice." (Rob the suspected misuse stagger). That kick down, defined as a fall. Kicked and struck with their feet means, such as football, shuttlecock, etc.

 ()  kick  play (football)

足-46 趟 [蹚] (动) wade; ford (量) for trip

Trip times is the phonetic word. Chuo is shaped symbol; yet the sound character. It came from shallow water or grass for the trip. Use of the plow, hoe and other tools Huo came to known as the trip from the shallow water.

  趟是形声字。辵为形符;尚为声符。 从浅水处或草地走过为趟。使用犁、耠等工具锄地地像从浅水处走过亦称趟。
 [] () wade; ford


 []() wade, ford () for trip

足-45 踏 (动)set foot on; step (on); stamp; tread

踏   Tap Tap is the phonetic word. Stone (or foot) is shaped symbol; Da acoustic character. "Said the text" Note: "Chung has, said pedaling from complex pound stone, the sound again and again.." Refers to the foot pedal Tsuishine, Chung Bi pound again called tread. As an adjective, refers to the attitudes it (at ease), not impetuous, (emotional) stability.

  踏是形声字。石(或足)为形符;沓为声符。《说文》注: “舂已,复捣曰踏。从石,沓声。”踏指用足舂米,舂毕再捣就叫踏。作形容词,指态度实在(踏实),不浮躁,(情绪)安定。
 ()set foot on; step (on); stamp; tread

  踏是形声字。石为形符,沓为声符。《说文》注: “舂已,复捣之曰踏。从石,沓声。”“践也。”踏义为用脚踩,践踏。借指到实地踏看、踏查等。

 ()  step on; tread; stamp  go to the spot (to make investigation or survey)

足-44 蹂 蹂躏 [rou lin] (动) trample on; ravage

蹂   Trample trample Phonogram. Defined as pictogram; soft acoustic. "Wen said," NOTE: ". Complex from the left foot, softly." Trample justice for the full use of repeated contacts stampede. Extended devastated.

 蹂躏 [rou lin] () trample on; ravage

足-43 跷 [蹺]Ⅰ(动) lift up (a leg); hold up (a finger); on tiptone Ⅱ(名) stilts

跷   Rocker Rocker is the phonetic word. Go for the pictogram; Yao is sound. "Said the text" Note: "Rocker said row of light looks a move away from the foot, Yao sound..." Is defined as traveling light Rocker Rocker. Further defined as the foot held high.

 []() lift up (a leg); hold up (a finger); on tiptone () stilts

足-42 跄 [蹌] 踉跄 [liang chiang] (动) stagger

跄   Stagger stagger the phonetic word. Enough for the pictogram; warehouse is sound. "Said the text" Note: "move from the foot, warehouse sound.." Refers to stagger rhythmic action. And describe hasty pace, such as staggering.

 [] 踉跄 [liang chiang] () stagger

足-41 蹊 蹊跷 [chi chiao] (形) odd; queer; fishy

蹊   Footpath footpath is the phonetic word. Left foot (or foot) is shaped symbol; Xiwei sound. "Said the text" Note: "to be from the left foot, Xi sound." "From the foot footpath or" footpath waiting for justice. By means strange.

 蹊跷 [chi chiao] () odd; queer; fishy


足-40 蹼(名)web(of the feet of ducks,frogs)

蹼   Webbed webbed is Phonogram. Enough for the pictogram, Pu is phonetic. Webbed finger frogs, ducks, turtles and otters toes of the film.

(名)web(of the feet of ducks,frogs)

足-39 跑Ⅰ(动) ① run ② run away; escape; flee ③ walk ④ run about doing sth. ; run errands Ⅱ[used as a complement of a verb] away

跑   Ran back is Phonogram. Enough for the pictogram; package for sound character. Running a person or animal to run fast enough to move forward. Extended walk away, lost, gone, leaks, volatilization. I do not see the comment "run" in the word "Wen said," the special note.

()  run  run away; escape; flee  walk  run about doing sth. ; run errands [used as a complement of a verb] away

足-38 蹒 [蹣] 蹒跚 [pan szan] (动) limp; hobble

蹒   Mite Mite is a phonetic word. Enough for the pictogram; full of sound. Mite means walking from side to side, slowly of the state.

 [] 蹒跚 [pan szan] () limp; hobble

足-37 趴 (动) ① lie on one’s stomach; lie prone② bend over

趴   Lie lie is Phonogram. Enough for the pictogram; eight of sound character. Means lying prone or upper body leaning forward, toe feet apart, lying on the ground or objects.

 ()  lie on ones stomach; lie prone bend over

足-36 蹑 [躡] (动) light one’s step

n蹑蹑   Tread gingerly is the phonetic word. Enough for the pictogram; Nie sound character. "Said the text" Note: "dance from foot, Nie sound.." Chase defined as dance, that practice, riding. The idea to follow the track. Softly, so as not to say anything, also called the chase.

 [] () light ones step

足-35 露Ⅰ(名) ① dew ② beverage distilled from flowers, fruit or leaves; syrup Ⅱ(动) show; reveal; betray (动) (口) reveal; show

露   Lu is the phonetic word. Rain is shaped symbol; road for the sound character. "Said the text" Note: "Zerun from the rain, the sound of the road.." Mitts dew. Dew prevalent in the road, the branches and flowers, appeared in the human eye, so the extended exposure, exposure, exposed, explicit and so on. Said the open field, the army said in a camping camping. With flowers, leaves, fruits or beverages made of cosmetic, like the dew Zerun, also known as Lu. As the name of the autumn season, saying that dew.

()  dew  beverage distilled from flowers, fruit or leaves; syrup () show; reveal; betray


 () () reveal; show

足-34 路Ⅰ(名)① road; path; way ② journey; distance ③ way; means ④ sequence; line; logic ⑤ route ⑥ sort; grade; class Ⅱ(量) number of the bus (tram) line

路   Lu is knowing the word. Foot means walking, each step means each side. Knowing facilitate the unimpeded two-way road to walk. "Said the text" Note: "Road from foot from each.." Xu Xuan Note: "Words are the way people have their own fitness." That way road. Extended journey, road, route, queue, trajectory. Road and refers to the direction of thought or action, the way. Borrowing terms, regions, species.

() road; path; way  journey; distance  way; means  sequence; line; logic  route  sort; grade; class () number of the bus (tram) line

足-33 跨 (动) ① step; stride ② bestride; straddle ③ cut across; go beyond

跨    Cross Cross is the phonetic word. Enough for the pictogram; boast of sound. "Said the text" Note: "crossing from the foot, boast sound.." That cross-over, over. Cross refers to cross certain boundaries or height.

 ()  step; stride  bestride; straddle  cut across; go beyond

足-32 蹶 (动) ① fall ② suffer a setback

蹶   Kick kick is Phonogram. Jue is shaped symbol; enough for the sound character. "Said the text" Note: "Jue from stiff enough to sound a jump also said.." Lying to kick. Another argument for the jump. As adjectives, metaphors failure or frustration.

 ()  fall  suffer a setback

足-31 踞 (动) crouch; squat; sit

踞   Ju Ju is the phonetic word. Enough for the pictogram; UN acoustic character. "Said the text" Note: "Squatting from the foot, ranking the sound.." Squat squatting same meaning, but refers to the hip has been remarkably solid sit (sit squatting imaginary). Extended occupied entrenched and so on.

 () crouch; squat; sit

足-30 距Ⅰ(名) distance Ⅱ(动) be apart (or away) from; be at a distance from

距   Distance from the phonetic word. Enough for the pictogram; giant acoustic character. "Wen said," NOTE: ".. Away from the chicken foot, Giant Voice" chicken foot protruding from its back like projecting portion of the toe. By means of the two separated by the length of said distance. Extended leave.

() distance () be apart (or away) from; be at a distance from

足-29 践 [踐] (动) ① trample; tread ② act on; carry out

践   Jian Jian is the phonetic word. Enough for the pictogram; constricted acoustic character. "Said the text" Note: "shoe from the foot, constricted sound.." Lu Jian to the ground, but also refers to trample, trample. Extended fulfill, implementation, practices.

践   践是形声字。足为形符;戋为声符。《说文》注:“履也。从足,戋声。”践为履着地,又指践踏、踩。引申履行、实行、实践等。
践 [踐] (动) ① trample; tread ② act on; carry out

足-28 跻 [躋] (动) (书) ascend; mount

跻   Ji Oracle shaped like a mountain on the board. But also as a board in the shape of the feet. "Said the text" Note: "Gordon from the foot, in unison.." The Books ", saying: Ji to Britain." The original meaning of the rise, boarded. Ji extended into, among.

 [] () () ascend; mount

足-27 踝 (名) ankle

 () ankle

 () ankle

足-26 跪 (动) kneel

跪   Kneeling Kneeling is a phonetic word. Enough for the pictogram; adversity into sound. "Wen said," NOTE: ".. From foot worship, dangerous sound" refers to kneel on one knee or both knees touch the ground and kneeling. Kneeling bow is one of courtesy.

 () kneel

足-25 跟Ⅰ(动) follow Ⅱ(名) heel Ⅲ(连) and Ⅳ to; towards [as 向,对]

跟   ontact with the phonetic word. Enough for the pictogram; Gen acoustic character. "Wen said," NOTE: ".. From foot heel, Burgundy sound." "With or from stop" with the heel that is, referring to heel. By means follow, immediately. As a conjunction, the equivalent of "and." Preposition equivalent of "the same." Direction as the word refers to.

() follow () heel () and  to; towards [as 向,对]

足-24 趺 (名) inside of the foot

趺   Tablets, read fū. Instep is Phonogram. Enough for the pictogram, Cardiff acoustic instep character. "Foot" refers to foot, "husband" means "outer", "look." "Foot" and "husband" combined "dorsal" or "lateral foot, (with respect to the medial" is concerned. That is the inside of the foot soles of the feet, feet). Fuzuo means Buddhists sit cross-legged posture. Instep, also refers to the stone monument under the seat.

趺   (名)  inside of the foot 

足-23 跗 (名)instep

跗   Tarsal tarsal means i instep [instep]. "Zhuangzi Qiu water": it is not enough to kick the mud off tarsal. Tarsal injection (an ancient long-serving soldiers, to the dorsum of the foot long). Tarsus and foot by means, such as; face tarsal (foot); tarsal step on (with feet on ground); two-tarsal ((feet).

跗      跗指i脚背。庄子·秋水》:蹶泥则没足灭跗。跗注(古代的一种长兵服,长至足背)。跗又借指足,如; 跗面(脚面);跗蹋(以足踏地);双跗((双脚)。
跗    (名)instep

足-22 跺 [跥] (动) stamp (one’s foot)

跺   Stomp is the phonetic word. Enough for the pictogram; duo acoustic character. Lift foot pedal force for the stamp.

 [] () stamp (ones foot)

足-21 踱 (动) pace; stroll

踱   Paced walking is the phonetic word. Enough for the pictogram; also the sound of justice also. Pacing means mind and thinking about something and conjecture slow pace (slow their walking speed, like counting too). Refers to move slowly.

 () pace; stroll

足-20 趸 [躉] (名) wholesale

趸   Wholesale wholesale is knowing the word, thousands, enough word composition. Million are groups of scorpion, scorpion ancient great harm, so as much as the scorpion, as the number of units Wan. Wholesale, represents more than the whole, into the bulk. As a noun, referring to barges.

 [] () wholesale

足-19 蹲 (动) ① squat down ② stay

蹲   Squatting Squatting is a phonetic word. Enough for the pictogram; squatting is sound. "Said the text" Note: "squat from enough, respect for sound.." The original meaning of squat (virtual ride). Extended homebound, shut prison.

 ()  squat down  stay

足-18 跌 (动) ① fall; tumble ② drop; fall

跌   Phonogram is falling down. Enough for the pictogram; loss of sound character. "Said the text" Note: "Kick from the foot, the more one reads aloud also..." That is down to kick (kick caused by imbalances in the body), defined as a slip, fall. Implied fall, fall.

 ()  fall; tumble  drop; fall

足-17 踮 (动) stand on tiptoe

踮   Dian Dian is the phonetic word. Enough for the pictogram; shop for the sound. Toes touch the ground as standing tiptoe.

 () stand on tiptoe

足-16 蹈 (动) (书) ① tread; step ② skip; trip

蹈   Rice is the phonetic word dance. Enough for the pictogram; scoop of sound character. "Said the text" Note: "Jian from the foot, scoop sound.." Is defined as trampling dance, step. Extended follow, beating.

 () ()  tread; step  skip; trip


足-15 踹 (动) kick

踹   Kick kick is Phonogram. Enough for the pictogram; 耑 is sound. It refers kick kicking foot, also refers to the step, step.

 () kick