
竹-48 箫 [簫](名)a vertical bamboo flute

箫   Xiao Xiao is knowing the word, it is the phonetic word. Bamboo-shaped symbol; flute armed with bamboo hard to get through the bars in the shape of both the signifier is phonetic. "Said the text" Note: "Uneven Wind, like the phoenix from the wing bamboo, Su sound.." As the bamboo flute length varies the synthesis of wind instruments, known as panpipes. Another Xiao, single-tube front five-hole, a hole in the back.

   箫是会意字,也是形声字。竹为形符;萧是手持硬条打通竹管之形,既是意符,也是声符。《说文》注:“参差管乐,象凤之翼。从竹,肃声。” 箫为长短参差之竹管合成之管乐器,称排箫。另有洞箫,单管正面五孔,背面一孔。
 []()a vertical bamboo flute

