
1 汉字是象形文字吗? 1 Chinese characters are hieroglyphics?

  1  汉字是象形文字吗?

 ()  sun  daytime  day  daily; every day

 ()  the moon  month


1 Chinese characters are hieroglyphics?
In the initial period of Chinese characters, people according to their own observation of natural objects, with simple strokes, sketched out a simple corresponding image, as a symbol, called pictograms.
Japanese oracle shaped like a sun. "Said the text" Note: "Day, real also. Sun's essence, no loss. From imports, a pictographic." Day is an entity, the sun's essence. Day also refers to the day, or a day and night. The earth rotates for one day a week, it also refers to the day, or a particular day. Refers to a certain period of time. For names, refers to Japan.
Day (day) day (day)

On the oracle bones like a half months. "Said the text" Note: "Que also. Yin of the fine, pictographic." Moon that the moon, the moon. Also refers to the shape of things like moon. For the time unit, the rotation of the week for a month, a year for twelve months.
Month (month)

       Pictographs currently accounts for only about 20% of Chinese characters, on the whole it is the password of Chinese characters, and is the most basic password. Pictographs used alone for a long time, from 8000-5000 years ago, our ancestors, rely on this small amount of pictographic characters to communicate. In the development of Chinese characters throughout the process, pictograms are inseparable from the absolute, referring to the word by it, knowing the word depends on it, phonetic characters can not do without it. However, we can not say that the nature of Chinese characters is hieroglyphics.

