
4 汉字就是方块字吗? 4 Chinese character Kanji is it?

4  汉字就是方块字吗?汉字的书写方式有甲骨文、金文、籀文、篆书,方块字是汉字发展史上对汉字形式的最后的一次改变。变革的时间,是在2200年前的汉代。变化的方式,是将书写圆转的篆书,改变成大多数线条平直的方块结构(楷书或隶书)。例如:甲骨文和篆书都是侧面站立的人形,楷书变成了叉开双脚正面站立的人形。
4  Chinese character Kanji is it? There are ways of writing Chinese characters Oracle, Jin, Zhou Wen, Seal, Chinese character Chinese characters in the history of the development of Chinese characters in the form of a final change. Time of change, in 2200 years ago in the Han Dynasty. In varying ways, is to write the round to Seal, changed most of the straight lines of the box structure (or official script regular script). For example: Oracle and Seal are human figures standing side, front legs splayed regular script into a standing humanoid.

People like the Oracle side elevation of the human form. Regular script into a positive splayed feet standing human form. "Wen said," Note:. "Man, heaven and earth are also the most expensive of Zhou Wen as the shape of the tibial arm." The genesis of artificial world, the biological evolve from apes evolved from Africa have thought of, can make and use tools of labor, and can be of higher animals language communication, after eight years about human migration, now spanning five continents. People, refers to adults, young people, old people, some people, each person or people in general. Also broadly refers to personnel and human health, quality, reputation and so on.

 ()  human being; man; person; people a person engaged in a particular activity people; other people personality; character  everybody; each


People like the Oracle side elevation of the human form. Regular script into a positive splayed feet standing human form. "Wen said," Note:. "Man, heaven and earth are also the most expensive of Zhou Wen as the shape of the tibial arm." The genesis of artificial world, the biological evolve from apes evolved from Africa have thought of, can make and use tools of labor, and can be of higher animals language communication, after eight years about human migration, now spanning five continents. People, refers to adults, young people, old people, some people, each person or people in general. Also broadly refers to personnel and human health, quality, reputation and so on.
Person (name) ① human being; man; person; people② a person engaged in a particular activity③ people; other people④ personality; character ⑤ everybody; each
This reform, so that the writing of Chinese characters, heritage, become convenient, fast, but some hidden characters password sign up, and some form part of the change, so that makes it difficult to identify the password, but also the Chinese character 

