
《汉字解码学》人类迁移路线上的五大文明古国,创造了五种密码文字 creating five kinds of password text.


过去,我们都说,世界上有四大 文明古国:埃及、巴比伦、印度、中国。近代考古的新发现:墨西哥的玛雅古城遗址、瑪雅文字、玛亚太阳曆,动摇了人们传统的认识。原来,世界上有五大文明古国,而且这五大文明古国都分布在人类迁移路线上五大文明古国,创造了五种密码文字。一是古埃及的圣书字,二是中国的古汉字(甲骨文),三是墨西哥的玛雅文字,四是两河流域(巴比伦)的鍥形文字,五是印度的古象形文字。其中,中国的古汉字(甲骨文)酷似埃及圣书字。这是巧合,或者有甚么内在的联系呢?请看考古学的新发现:



1987年,河南省文物研究所在舞阳北22公里贾湖村东侧裴李岗文化遗址中 发掘出甲骨契刻符号,引起学术界关注,称其为中国最早的文字雏形。
遗址面积较大,地下遗迹和遗物十分丰富,是一处距今8000年左右的 原始社会聚落遗址。该遗址的墓葬中随葬有成组龟甲,有的龟甲上有契刻符号无疑是为了记事或抒发情怀,这对研究中国文字有重要意义。它比以往发现的仰韶文化或大汶口文化陶器上的符号或图形要早一、二千年。其中一些符号形体已与安阳殷墟出土的商代甲骨文字字形相似。由此可以说贾湖契刻符号应是中国最早的文字雏形。
河南省贾湖 地处人类迁移路线上,时间也与人类迁移的晚期大体吻合。文字既像甲骨文,也和埃及古代文字有相似之处。这种联系是否真实,将有待于科学考证的新发现。

Human migration route of the five ancient civilizations, creating five kinds of password text.

In the past, we all said that the world has four ancient civilizations: Egypt, Babylon, India, China. New discoveries of modern archeology: Maya ruins in Mexico, Maya text, the Mayan Taiyang calendar, shook people's traditional understanding. It turned out that the world has five ancient civilizations, and these five ancient civilizations are located in the human migration routes. Five ancient civilizations, created five kinds of password text. One is the ancient Egyptian holy words, the second is China's ancient Chinese characters (Oracle), the third is the Maya text in Mexico, the two river basin (Babylon) of the wedge-shaped text, the fifth is India's ancient hieroglyphics. Among them, the ancient Chinese characters (Oracle) exactly like the Egyptian holy words. Is this a coincidence, or is there any internal link? Look at the new discoveries in archeology:
Jiahu site.
 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Jiahu site.
National key units
The State Council of the People 's Republic of China.
Bone Flute in Henan Museum.
Luohe City, Henan Province, Wuyang County.
Ancient ruins.
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Jiahu site is 9000 to 7700 years ago, the Neolithic cultural sites, located in Luohe City, Henan Province, China Wuyang County, North Dance Town 1.5 km southwest of Jiahu Village, an area of ​​about 55,000 square meters, in 1979 autumn Jiahu villagers built care Village dyke, the village primary school teachers and students in the excavation pit excavation found. Since 1980, conducted a number of excavations, a total of clean room 45, pottery 9, 370 pits, tombs 349, urn coffin 32, buried 10 dog pit, as well as some Ho ditch, column hole Wait. Unearthed pottery, stone, bone, etc. thousands of pieces. The unearthed to the seven-scale crane bone flute, group funerary and stone with a turtle shell and its carved symbol of the most compelling. In addition, also found in the original form of millet and rice cultivation relics, which is found in the world the earliest discovery of rice ruins.

Jiahu co-moment symbol.
In 1987, Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics in 22 kilometers north of Wuyang Jiahu Village in the east of Peiligang cultural sites unearthed in the inscriptions, causing academic concern, known as the earliest Chinese text prototype.
Site area is large, underground relics and relics is very rich, is a 8000 years ago about the original settlement sites. The site of the burial of burial with a group of tortoise shells, and some tortoise shells on the carved symbol is no doubt in order to record or express feelings, which is of great significance to the study of Chinese characters. It is found in the Yangshao culture than before or Dawenkou cultural pottery symbols or graphics on the earlier one or two thousand years. Some of these symbolic forms have been similar to the Shang Dynasty oracle-bone inscriptions unearthed in Anyang Yin Ruins. Thus it can be said that the symbol of Jiahu should be the earliest Chinese text.
Jiahu Qi carved seventeen cases were found, were engraved in a, bone, stone, pottery, on which the carved on the carcase 9 cases, bone engraved on the symbol in 5 cases, pottery engraved on 3 cases, characterized by deed Carved into. Experts study, engraved structure for the "horizontal" "point" "vertical" "write" "Na" "vertical hook" "horizontal folding" and other strokes, writing is also the first cross-vertical after the first left and right, , The first after the outside, and the basic structure of Chinese characters are consistent. Some coinage symbol shape with its 4,000 years after the Shang Dynasty Oracle has many similarities, such as the shape of the eyes of the "head", radiant sun lines and so on.
Experts believe that, 8,000 years ago, Jiahu coins engraved with it than the late four or five thousand years of Yin Ruins Oracle has a striking resemblance, first, the same writing tools, all tools for the tool to carve symbols carved on the bone; Is the same role, the Shang Dynasty Oracle is used to record the contents of the divination, and Jiahu Qi carved with divination is also related; Third, the same principle of word-making, Jiahu Qi carved symbol of the affair, and Oracle's literal text a lot.
Some scholars have suggested that the formation of the text in China has experienced a slow and long-term development process, its source can even be traced back to 8000 years ago. Their study found that the Neolithic tomb found in Henan Province, the tortoise shells on the carved marks is eventually evolved into the earliest known Chinese character system predecessor. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Rao Zongyi had Jiahu Qi carved a thorough investigation of the textual research, proposed "Jiahu carved characters on the key issues of Chinese characters provide a new information. Ge Ying-hui, an ancient philologist at the Department of History of Peking University, also thought that "these symbols should be a kind of writing." Some scholars believe that "the discovery of Jiahu coherent carved for the Shang Dynasty Oracle's history to provide a reliable source of evidence."
Jiahu Lake in Henan Province is located in the human migration route, the time and human migration in general. Text both as Oracle, but also the ancient Egyptian text has similarities. This link is true, there will be new scientific discoveries to be verified.

