
《汉字解码学》 第一部份 汉字与世界密码文字的关系first part The Relationship between Chinese Characters and the World.


K-M9 黄种人基因。中国汉族94%都是这种基因,4%是白种人基因和矮黑种人基因。根具分子生物学的研究,汉族基因的构成,恰恰是一个非常单一纯粹的民族。而且中国的50多个少 数民族,大多数也是K-M9基因。

(资料来源于 稻田报告)

first part The Relationship between Chinese Characters and the World. The Relationship between Chinese
Characters and the World.

How our ancestors came to China? The latest results of scientific research on the human genome show the world: the human world are originating from the African, and at 5-8 million years ago, the African gradually to the Middle East, Europe, Asia, the Americas migration. There are four types of human genes: K-M9 Yellow gene. Han Chinese 94% are of this gene, and 4% were white dwarf genes and gene black people. Root with research, Han genes constitute molecular biology, is just a very pure single nation. And more than 50 of China's ethnic minorities, most of them are K-M9 gene. p-M45 Caucasian genes. The main segment of cloth in Europe in recent centuries moved to the beginning of the Americas, Oceania. D-YAP gene dwarf black people. Distributed in Africa, Japan, North Korea, Burma and China several minorities. C-M130 brown kinds of human genes. Distributed in the Middle East, West Asia. A through Siberia to North America, one to Australia, the Pacific Islands. It occurred about thirty or forty thousand years ago, when many mountains Chinese land is covered with snow all year round. Migration to brown by the African race has been early events in the Yellow River, the Yangtze River basin in yellow before people arrive. At this point another branch moved from East Africa to Southeast Asia Myanmar along the yellow tribe has formed a certain influence. Brown people continue along the coastline to retreat, or hide in the mountains. When the glaciers continue to melt on the Chinese land, with a yellow M122 mutation identified Austroasiatic yellow crowd genes began to enter China. Directions to enter China after differentiation they have three, there are two entrances, one entrance in Yunnan, an entry in the Pearl River Basin. Wherein a trek northward along the west side of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, they end up in the 10,000 years ago, when reached, the basin of the Yellow River in the upper reaches of the Loop area. Here is the real origin of Chinese civilization. "Sino-Tibetan ancestors was later called the first Qiang, who is also the Han and Tibetan ancestry. This is one of South Asia at the time of departure is still round head, characterized with a large nose, thick lips and so on. but in the process of moving their migration, the body shape changes. after the plateau, is no longer affected by malaria, with hypoxia, genetic changes of the people survive, become very long face, lines, edges and corners become rigid, like sliced. (Sichuan Sanxingdui bronze mask resembles). Qiang stay in the valley region should be left to the migration process. they retained the nomadic habits. after these 10,000 years of migration so until 5000 to 6,000 years ago, inside the human DNA began restless, and then, due to the emergence of millet Valley agriculture, Neolithic culture began to develop in the region. the population growth of the population will be amplified by the new residence to the two Sino-Tibetan language family began distinction. one yellow subgroups, on the basis of the M134 M117 mutation (Han two specific mutations) took place. they carry this mutation walking east, Weihe River Valley only stay down until they master the agricultural civilization began to farming for a living. this group is ethnic Chinese, which is later called Han's predecessor. another subgroup is called the Tibeto-Burman group and they or is defeated, or in search of food leaving the Yellow River, west and south migration, finally living in the north and south down the Himalayas. (Tibetan) in the process of migration, this population of cells in constant fission, differentiation of Tibetan, Yi, Jingpo To date these peoples to send the soul of the song have to put the undead back to the north. Huaxia expansion is very powerful, they plundered the land and food to all sides, Qiang this time is no longer recognized as they are similar, called "Xi Rong." clan the battle produced a national hero, "Yellow Emperor" is one such figure. The second branch of the route of the Pearl River Basin. Here, before the Sino-Tibetan people Baiyue ancestors, into Guangdong and Guangxi region, through the Nanling becomes North Vietnamese, which became the ancestor of the country. The more people in the south have been migrated to the Mountain in Guangxi since the Qin and Han (Southern migration when they occur, and later formed the Dong). So now the people of Zhejiang and the Dong language and language similarities. Wu and others have different origins, Wu, China and Vietnam fundamentally different sources, using the Chinese after the close unity. In the Weihe River Huaxia gradually honed a brave and fierce. "" Qin "," they are entrenched in Guanzhong, the accumulation of a unified China's strength, Qin and Han Dynasties, fragmented China is uniform, ranging from language, text to currency, unit of measure etc. on the cultural level, the overall sense of the Han true to form. Plus a strong centralized rule, it does not occur again after the Han differentiation. Moreover, Han did not bring the country's basic foreign ingredients. They advanced productivity through continuous expansion, occupy most of the land. "Historians say Han Chinese expansion in the continuous integration of the locals is wrong, the locals were basically expelled, Fujian is the best proof, according to the analysis of molecular anthropology, basically they are the descendants of northern Han Chinese, the language retention ancient Chinese in particular more. "on the current research point of view, China's 56 ethnic groups in East and Southeast asian peoples are split off from the Austro-Asiatic ancestors, because they were all with yellow M122 mutation. Han people after matriarchal society, Stone Age, Bronze Age, dating back 5,000 years ago to enter in a civilized society. Text appears, is accompanied by the development of civil society, combined by the then intellectuals (priests, elders, official historian, witches, etc.) and working people, and gradually created.


