
《汉字解码学》 汉字是五大文明中唯一源远流长的密码文字 Character is the only five long history of civilization Cryptogram


1  汉字以“六法”作为创立和发展的基本方法,使汉字得不断充实和完善。而且,它可以适应新科技的发展而不断地获得新的发展。
2  汉字以符合客观事物的方法,采取归大类、建部首的有效手段(即字族组字法),使汉字变得容易了解,容易掌握(几千字,几万字,都可以归入100多个字族),有利不断延伸、发展。
3  汉字以其自身的魅力,赢得了历代入主中原的异族王朝统制集团的赞许,以致出现了康熙(康熙字典)、乾隆(四库全书)这样的热心传承者。
4  汉字符合华夏百姓的要求,深深扎根于华夏儿女心中。任何贬斥“汉字落后”的说法,都动摇不了人们的坚持,也改变不了汉字的密码性质。
                                                 汪   岚         2016年8月30日

Character is the only five long history of civilization

China cryptogram --- characters, originated in the matriarchal society, through the Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age, the Atomic Age, the Information Age, the time span of more than 8,000 years. However, in the long process of historical development in ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, Maya four cryptograms, one after another die.
Why China's cryptogram --- Chinese characters, has to adhere to, vibrant, and has a huge range of 1.8 billion people? In addition to the war, economic, political, cultural and other shut-off reasons, I think it was mainly due to internal factors:
1 characters in "Six" as the basic method for the creation and development, so that characters have to constantly enrich and improve. Moreover, it can adapt to the development of new technology and constantly get new development.
2 Character means consistent with the objective things, take go categories, effective means to build radicals (ie word group word family law), so that characters become easy to understand, easy to grasp (a few thousand words, Jiwan Zi, can be classified as Group more than 100 words), enabling continuous extension development.
3 characters with its own charm, won the Central Plains ancient alien dynasty praise control group, resulting in the reign of Emperor Kangxi (Kangxi), Qianlong (Si Ku Quan Shu) so enthusiastic inheritors.
4 characters in line with the requirements of the Chinese people, deeply rooted in the hearts of the Chinese people. Denounce any "characters backward," saying that both shake people's insistence, the password can not change the nature of Chinese characters.

                                                 Wang Lan, August 30, 2016

