
一根藤上的五个瓜 Five melon vine on



           Five melon vine on

World literal occurrence and development, as is happening in the world of civilization occurs with the development of world civilization and development. Human migration route in the world, from North Africa as a starting point, the two rivers, the Ganges, the Yangtze and the Yellow River, the Northeast Asian Cross Strait north of order until Central America, appearing five ancient civilizations, like the vine fifty-one melon, their ancestors, are a. Five continents and generations, all have the same genes.
In 1987, the American University of Hawaii Rebecca Kahn decipher women from around the world mitochondrial DNA, mitochondrial DNA found that modern women are from a woman who lived about 150,000 years to 200,000 years ago in Africa .
Subsequently, molecular anthropologist once again successfully deciphered the genetic code of the male Y chromosome. Through research, they concluded that modern men have a common father, years of his life should be about 15 million years ago in eastern Africa.
"DNA in the genetic code so that Adam and Eve left the world of myth, became flesh and blood of Africans. They became everyone including the Chinese ancestors." School of Life Sciences, Fudan University doctoral student Li said.
Li explained. About 15 million years ago in East Africa and differentiation of many ethnic tribes, which already contains the now black, brown, yellow, white four ethnic ancestry. M168 Y chromosome is a very old mutation has now been found, which is mutated in humans to leave Africa when produced, occurred about 10 million years before. Those brown people, yellow people that carry this mutation ancient world began to spread. In addition to modern Africa has the mutation site.
100,000 years ago, the Earth is in the ice age, most of the land is covered by glaciers. The entire lower sea level than it is now about 120 meters, many seabed bare ground. In East Africa, various tribes crowding in on this hot land, to snatch the limited food. Perhaps now is similar to the frequent incidents of ethnic cleansing in Rwanda, some people began to move out of Africa.
"It took tens of thousands of years, modern M168 mutation in the Y chromosome has emerged on the basis of two mutations, M130 and M89. The former occurred 80,000 years ago, which occurred 40,005 years ago, mankind has entered North Africa through Eurasia. "Li said, the first out of the brown people. They are mainly fishing in the sea, the beach and pick up food on the high-protein food. They took the Paleolithic and tip Mucha, walking the shore in the Indian Ocean. AD 50,000 years ago, they have occupied the land of South and Southeast Asia and islands. After tens of thousands of years, scattered fishing food life so that they pick up along the endless coastline all the way up to East Asia, across the Bering Strait might arrive after North and South America.
Yellow Out of Africa longer than one night brown nearly 50,000 years. But their fast diffusion. They only used brown person 1/5 time to reach Southeast Asia. Ke Yuehai sampling of 10,002 one thousand Chinese people sample mutations 11,311 samples occur on M89 site. And this marks the mutation had been formed at the time of the yellow race arrives in Southeast Asia, and has been doing here for a very long activity, after which they will enter China in the Han differentiation occurs.
Let's look at four genes
D-YAP black dwarf gene
C-M130 brown kinds of human genes
K-M9 is yellow gene
P-M45 is white gene
D-YAP black dwarf gene, M130 brown species of human genes, Han whether south or north Han Han, Y chromosomes are not these two genes.
The northern ethnic Mongols, Turks, Manchus, Koreans and Japanese have the D-YAP and M130.
Where K-M9 is the yellow gene, it is the Chinese people's body types. P-M45 Caucasian genes.
C-M130 is a human gene palm species, marine residents, C-M130 take the route along the coast is probably from the Arabian Peninsula - Iran - India - Indochina, then, these C-M130 descendants divided into two lines , NO.1 branch north into Siberia, and eventually into the North America; NO.2 branches southward into Australia, and spread throughout the Pacific Islands.
Today, descendants of C-M130 is mainly distributed in southern India, eastern North Asia, Japan, western North America, Australia, the Pacific Islands. In East Asia, Mongolia area ratio is very high, reaching 58%, as well as Kazakhs, Kirghiz, Buryats, the proportion is more than 60% of these types of people (including North America) are C3-M217 ; there are other types of M130, the Ainu of Japan more than 90 per cent of C1-M8, in addition, the modern Japanese (6.5%), Korean, Manchu, Amur people, there are a certain number of C1. C2-M38, mainly in Australia and the Pacific islands, C4, C5 mainly in south India, the local peoples can reach 20%. In the Han population distribution of C-M130 is almost no genes.
D-YAP also called black dwarf gene, a gene is a very old, it almost simultaneously, and C-M130 Out of Africa. Now D-YAP type mainly in India's Andaman Islands, Cayman A security person (100%), Tibetan (58%), Tujia, Yi, Yao, Japan (34.7%), Korean, Manchu, Burmese, Kachin people. In the Han population, D-YAP in the Han population is almost not found. Y chromosome number variation is not much use to measure the number of people, a lot of big populous nation is represented by a small crowd for some reason from the rapid growth, such as history has established a powerful empire (typically a Han Chinese, Arabic people), modern high-tech revolution and colonial (such as English, Spanish), these people strong homology, Y chromosome variation type is not particularly rich, on the contrary, some very old small nation, its Y chromosome variation type is very rich.
According to the study of molecular biology, the original theory Han fused together is wrong, it is precisely the genetic makeup Han a very pure single nation, K-M9 gene is the most important branch, on the Eurasian continent, in addition to West Asia and Siberia, the vast majority of the island nation in the world by the K-M9 descendants constitute today the Han people, 96 percent of all K-M9 type. (It seems that we and the Japanese and Koreans have a lot of different)
K-M9 below, there are many sub-types, the most important are two, one is ON-M214, the other is a P-M45. The former (ON-M214) mainly distributed in East Asia, Southeast Asia, North Eastern, part of the Pacific Islands (These are O-M175 subtype) and on both sides of the Ural Mountains, north of Northern Europe, Eastern Europe and the northern Arctic Eskimos ( These are N-M231 subtype). Chinese people body type is O-M175. Serbs 4% of P-M45 white gene, the most likely source of the ancient Central Plains Caucasians.
Peking Man is not our ancestors
"Our ancestors who is?"
Authority education textbook junior high school is located in China's modern man is evolved by the living 40 million years ago Peking Man. The rationale for this argument is the origin of human multi-region, he said that modern people in Europe, Asia and Africa are evolved by the local ape.
Laboratory Assistant Professor Jin Li Ji said the money, modern man is a single species, but differences over the ape is great, belong to different species, and not all evolve into modern man. Only East African ape to modern man embarked on the path of evolution. Therefore, Beijing Australopithecus can not become our ancestors.
CAS Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese researcher Su Bing checking existing fossil later, found a fault can not be ignored. This fault from about 10 million years ago to 40,000 years ago, no human fossils unearthed. After speculated that life in the East Asian Homo erectus and early Homo sapiens (HomoSapiens) in the last glacial period, due to bad weather and extinction. Instead, thousands of miles from Africa migrate from the modern species.
But scientists still support the "multiregional say." CAS ancient ancient human spine careful comparison of academician Wu Xinzhi skeletal features Peking Man and Upper Cave Man of modern people, found that 70% of Chinese people in the skull of Peking Man 3 features and is consistent. So he still felt Peking Man may be the ancestors of the Chinese people. But his students Wu-study trip to Africa, but found that 30% of people in East Africa, this also features three skulls of Peking Man and consistent.
In 1998, Chinese scientists have realized the importance of the DNA genetic code. On those double helix of DNA chain interwoven with red, yellow, blue, green four colors of beads, A, T, C, G. They are in charge of migration and the entire history of human development.
Press the scientific explanation on each small ball is a nucleotide units. These genes are called balls connected together in a certain order, and have the appropriate genetic information. It has a strong function, control the human skin color, form and health. For example, there are hundreds of human genes in blood pressure control. Their sequence can not be replaced easily. Transformed, it will affect the physical condition.
And there are some small ball sequence is not functional, as the nature of the DNA molecule in the filler. Their arrangement is free. They had thousands of hundreds of years will occur once freely change, such as the emergence of local original A C. This change is not affected by any external factors, does not bear the pressure of natural selection. The change will not affect their health. It is that these genetic mutations documented history of human migration.
Kunming Institute of Zoology Chinese Academy of Sciences researcher at CHU Jia focuses on the arrangement of DNA is called a special order of microsatellite, which is a recognized genetic markers. DNA arrangement there is a brief repetition of such TGTGT Juan GTG, repeated letters and frequency can be genetic, when extended to the offspring, the original that the position of a G might become A, or previous repeated nine times and to the offspring suddenly become repeat 10 times. According to this principle, CHU Jia analyzed 28 East Asian populations, figure out the origin of the modern times in China no earlier than 50,000 years.
Some people think that the number of samples CHU Jia is too small, there is no convincing. In 2001, Jin Li Ke Yuehai students and his research team mainly ethnic Chinese population in East Asia on a large scale genetic analysis. He entered the Y chromosome in the world. They are made from generation to generation from father to son, and "character" stable, generally after dozens of generations will have one or two loci change. These genetic mutations as a tree structure, it is also the tree of human genetic tree recorded at different times in different locations scattered path to Earth.
Ke Yuehai 12127 males were analyzed and found that Y chromosome of YAP, M130 and M89 will have one site mutation. They are the three genes in the tree branches. They had gathered to call on an M168 roots. The M168 is the African body's mutation. This means that Chinese people living in East Africa and Africans about.
Keyue Hai said that the effective group Chinese people Y chromosome is not that big, the existence of small species, which more than 10,002 samples of nearly one thousand encompasses the vast majority of Chinese human chromosome type. This can be proved, the majority of Chinese people originated in East Africa. (Source: Report of paddy)

Melon vine on five - five ancient civilizations, creating five kinds of cryptogram. This is a brilliant contribution to world history and culture.



  通過以上的證據,我基本認定印第安人是中國人後裔是可以通過邏輯推論來證實並且也有大量證據支持的,而且這種看法在各國的歷史學者以及考古學者中都不乏其人,同時另一個相關的佐證也讓我有了新的想法,英國歷史學者加文.孟席斯(GavinMenzies)認 為,最先發現美洲大陸的是明朝的鄭和,他的根據是一幅明朝鄭和所繪製的航海圖,但是我想,也許鄭和隻是參考了比他更早的中國祖先繪製的航海圖也說不定,因 為在鄭和七下西洋的歷史記載裡,並沒有詳實的記載他去過美洲,而隻是記載最遠到了非洲最南端的好望角,當然,鄭和參照中國前人的航海圖所繪製了世界航海 圖,這是根據以上所列出的印第安人是中國人後裔的證據。所做出的我自己的猜測!
  這些假設的提出,主要是因為美洲大陸一直沒有發現類人猿的化石,因此美洲文明必然是外部遷徙的人種所產生的,後來才出現的“殷商遷移說”一 個原因是最早認為瑪雅文明崇拜蛇形神的習俗是來自於四千年前的中國商朝,因為和商朝銅器祭皿上的浮雕紋飾十分相似,另一個原因是在前面所說的中國殷商的軍 隊莫名消失以後,而同一時期,中美洲和墨西哥卻突然興起了一種有著中國特徵的奧爾梅克文化!因此,很多學者從不同的方面力圖證明美洲文明起源於中國!1996年《世界日報》的報導,以強有力的證據證實了殷人到達了墨西哥,在一個墨西哥出土的玉圭中,中國北京的商代學術專家發現了有四個符號,並證實了是甲骨文,同時讀出了這四個符號的大意是“統治者和首領建立了王國的基礎”!

