
隹-66 唯 (副) only; alon

唯   Only Oracle shaped like a short-tailed birds of mouth response. Seal is a phonetic word for the mouth-shaped character, for the short-tailed bird sound character. "Wen said," NOTE: ".. Promise from the mouth, short-tailed bird sound" is the only response of the sound. Wei is onomatopoeia. Only as an adverb, showing limited range, the equivalent of "only" "only." For the beginning of a sentence, the tables they want. Wei, but it passes, so now only the use of the word more widely.

唯   甲骨文象一短尾鸟张口应答之形。篆书是形声字,口为形符,隹为声符。《说文》注: “诺也。从口,隹声。” 唯是应答之声。唯是象声词。唯作副词,表示限定范围,相当于“单单”“只”。用于句首,表希望。唯,又通惟,故现在唯字使用范围较为广泛。
 () only; alon

