
竹-39 签 [簽、籖]Ⅰ(动) sign; autograph Ⅱ(名) ① label; sticker ② bamboo slips used for divination, gambling or contest purposes

签   Sign sign a phonetic word. Bamboo-shaped symbol; Qian acoustic character. "Said the text" Note: "also experience a sharp also said, consistent from bamboo, Qian sound..." To check for the thin stick of bamboo for divination, count, make a logo for viewing. Extended tags, bookmarks, draw, divination, signature, signature, sign, sign charge, was signed and so on.

签   签是形声字。竹为形符;籖为声符。《说文》注:“验也。一曰锐也,贯也。从竹,籖声。”签为竹制之细棍,用以占卜,计数,做出标识,以供观看。引申标签、书签、抽签、求签、签字、签名、签到、签押、签呈等。
 [簽、籖]() sign; autograph ()  label; sticker  bamboo slips used for divination, gambling or contest purposes

