
爪-24 乱 [亂]Ⅰ(形) ① in disorder; in a confusion ② confused (state of mind) Ⅱ(名) disorder; upheaval; chaos; riot; unrest; turmoil Ⅲ(动) confuse; mix up; jumble luè

乱   Disorderly is knowing the word. As the casually with both hands in the shape of things to be organized from outside to inside. B represents finishing smoothly. "Wen said," NOTE: "... Rule from ethyl acetate, also rule" no coherent order and chaos said. Li said good governance will chaos. Chaos and "governance" as opposed to, both dialectical unity. The original meaning of chaotic confusion. The idea of war, evil, social unrest, unsettled, and irregular sexual relations. As an adverb means no restrictions, arbitrary, casual like.

乱   乱是会意字。象用双手将胡乱之物从外至内加以整理之形。乙,表示整理顺当。《说文》注:“治也。从乙。乙,治之也。”没有秩序和条理曰乱。将乱理好曰治。乱与“治”相对立,二者辩证统一。乱本义混乱。引申战争、祸患、社会动荡、心绪不宁、两性关系不正常等。作副词,指不加限制、任意、随便等。
乱 [亂]Ⅰ(形) ① in disorder; in a confusion ② confused (state of mind) Ⅱ(名) disorder; upheaval; chaos; riot; unrest; turmoil Ⅲ(动) confuse; mix up; jumble

