
(八十九)聿 (名)brush tools

聿   Yu Yu yù word means something. Upper hand, here is a pen with hair. The original meaning of the brush, but also refers to tools. Yu is the pen of the word, after the beginning of the Qin bamboo plus symbol, called a pen. Yu refers to tools used in ancient Chinese as particle, used in a sentence or sentence, such as Yu repair Jue Germany, Yu female (daughter), Yu Compliance (compliance), Yu chase (traced ancestors German industry) and the like.

聿   yù    聿是指事字。上面是手,下面是带毛的笔。本义毛笔,又指工具。聿是笔的本字,秦以后始在上加竹符,称作笔。用作工具,古汉语则作助词,用在句首或句中,如聿修厥德、聿女(养女)、聿遵(遵循)、聿追(追述先人德业)等。
聿  (名)brush

