
自-6 洎 (动)refers to the pot and slowly add water. Extended and" "to."

洎    JI JI is knowing the word. Pictogram water from dirty finger nose nose slowly, as a meaning. "Said the text": ". JI, filling the kettle also" JI original meaning refers to the pot and slowly add water. Extended "and" "to." Since ancient times, this JI, JI almost modern times, is Zigudaojin, and almost modern times. LUO "Xu Jingye to discuss Vu Thi Xi": "JI almost night festival, dirty chaos erotic" refers to old age, dirty mess erotic.

洎    洎是会意字。水为形符,自指鼻子下流鼻涕缓慢,以此为意。《说文》:“洎,灌釜也。”洎的本义指往锅里慢慢添水。引申“及”“到”。自古洎今、洎乎近世,就是自古到今、及乎近世。骆宾王《为徐敬业讨武氏檄》:“洎乎晚节,秽乱春宫”,指的就是到了晚年,秽乱春宫。
洎   (动)refers to the pot and slowly add water.   Extended and" "to."

