
足-13 楚Ⅰ(形) clear; neat Ⅱ(名) suffering

楚   Chu Oracle to the next two or three-wood bush has a footprint, knowing overgrown shrubs. "Said the text" Note: "Jing a bundle of wood from the forest, Cloth sound..." Chu refers to the profusion of shrubs, also called "Jing." Jing Cong can sting, extended pain. Vitex neat, the idea is clear and tidy. For the region, referring to Hubei, Hunan, called Chu land.

楚   甲骨文以二木或三矮树下有足迹,会意丛生灌木。《说文》注:“丛木。一名荆也。从林,疋声。”楚指丛生灌木,又叫做“荆”。荆丛可刺人,引申痛楚。荆条齐整,引申清楚、整齐。用于地域,指湖北、湖南,古称荆楚之地。
楚Ⅰ(形) clear; neat Ⅱ(名) suffering

