
足-45 踏 (动)set foot on; step (on); stamp; tread

踏   Tap Tap is the phonetic word. Stone (or foot) is shaped symbol; Da acoustic character. "Said the text" Note: "Chung has, said pedaling from complex pound stone, the sound again and again.." Refers to the foot pedal Tsuishine, Chung Bi pound again called tread. As an adjective, refers to the attitudes it (at ease), not impetuous, (emotional) stability.

  踏是形声字。石(或足)为形符;沓为声符。《说文》注: “舂已,复捣曰踏。从石,沓声。”踏指用足舂米,舂毕再捣就叫踏。作形容词,指态度实在(踏实),不浮躁,(情绪)安定。
 ()set foot on; step (on); stamp; tread

  踏是形声字。石为形符,沓为声符。《说文》注: “舂已,复捣之曰踏。从石,沓声。”“践也。”踏义为用脚踩,践踏。借指到实地踏看、踏查等。

 ()  step on; tread; stamp  go to the spot (to make investigation or survey)

