
足-49 跳 (动) ① jump; leap; spring; bounce ② move up and down; beat ③ skip (over)

跳   Jump Jump is a phonetic word. Foot (or down) the pictogram; megabytes of sound character. "Wen said," There are two NOTE: ".. Line from bird walk, megasonic" 12 "from foot kick, said megasonic a jump also..." Refers to hop jump as bird walks, but also refers to jump. Kick, even if the body suddenly from the ground up or move out. Extended bounce, vibration, over, across and the like.

  跳是形声字。足(或走)为形符;兆为声符。《说文》有二注: 1“雀行也。从走,兆声。”2“蹶也。从足,兆声。一曰跃也。”跳指如雀跳跃行走,又指跳起来。蹶,即使身体突然离地向上或向前。引申弹起、振动、越过、跨过等。
 ()  jump; leap; spring; bounce  move up and down; beat  skip (over)

