
一-7 (地平线)旦 (名) ①(书) dawn; daybreak ② day ③ the female character type in Beijing opera, etc.

旦   Once Oracle shaped like the sun just rising from the earth. On the sun, under the reflection of the earth or days. "Said the text" Note: "Ming is also from Japan, see eleven on the ground also..." Dan means dawn, morning. Also refers to the day, one day. Operas of a young woman, called dan.

   甲骨文象太阳刚刚从大地升起之形。上为太阳,下为大地或日之倒影。《说文》注: “明也。从日,见一上。一,地也。”旦指天明、早上。也指白日、某日。戏曲中之年轻女子,称旦角。
 () () dawn; daybreak  day  the female character type in Beijing opera, etc.

