
鱼-5 鲱 (名) Herring

鲱   Herring Herring is a phonetic word. Fish-shaped symbols, herring acoustic character. Herring, Pacific herring scientific name, also known as herring, small head, a generally streamlined body and extended side flat, dorsal fin and pelvic fins located opposite the central body, blue-black dorsal, ventral silver for cold water pelagic fish, usually inhabit deeper waters, more body fat, high nutritional value.

鲱   鲱鱼,学名太平洋鲱鱼,亦称青鱼,头小,体呈流线型,体延长而侧扁,背鳍位于体的中部与腹鳍相对,背侧蓝黑色,腹侧银白色,为冷水性中上层鱼类,平时栖息较深海域,体内多脂肪,营养价值高,为重要出口水产品之一。
鲱   (名) Herring

