
衣-46 展Ⅰ(动) ① open up; spread out; unfold ② put to good use; give free play to ③ postpone; extend; prolong ④ spread out; unfold Ⅱ(名) exhibition

展   is Phonogram. Corpse of pictogram; decline provincial sound. "Said the text" Note: "turn from the dead, decline provincial sound.." Refers to the transfer clothed corpse flip, move. The original meaning of the turn, turn, flip. Extended stretch, extended display (exhibition), display and the like. Exhibition also knowing the word. Corpse, showing clothes to wear clothes of a dead body. Four word, is a flip back and forth. Knowing exhibition action or flip.展   展是形声字。尸为形符;衰省声。《说文》注:“转也。从尸,衰省声。”转指将着衣死尸翻转、搬动。本义为转、转动、翻转。引申伸展、扩展、陈列(展览)、施展等。展也是会意字。尸、衣表示穿有衣服之尸体。四个工字,是表示来回翻转。会意展动或翻转。
()  open up; spread out; unfold  put to good use; give free play to  postpone; extend; prolong  spread out; unfold () exhibition

