
一-37 (地平线)坦 (形) ① level; smooth ② completely at ease

坦   Tan Tan is the phonetic word. Soil for the pictogram; denier sound character. "Said the text" Note: "Security from the soil, once the sound.." Tan Yi flat, wide, Anshu. Also refers to the broad-minded mood vanish. Extended frank, no taboo. Modern weapons of war middle tank, translated in English Tank.

  坦是形声字。土为形符;旦为声符。《说文》注: “安也。从土,旦声。”坦义为平、宽、安舒。又指胸怀宽广, 心境平定。引申直率,无隐讳。近代战争武器中指坦克,译于英语Tank。
 ()  level; smooth  completely at ease

