
衣-35 襄 (动) (书) assist; help 镶[镶]1inlay;set;mount 2rim; edge; border 襄 (动) (书) assist; help

襄   Xiang Oracle and down like two pieces of cloth splice juxtaposition of shape. To help in the meaning. "Said the text" Note: "Han Order: undress till that of Xiang" refers to the Han Xiang precepts undress arable land. By means help, assistance.

镶   Oracle Xiang is inlaid parquet of the word. Gold as a pictogram indicating to insert the metal ground. "Wen said," NOTE: ".. For type midgut from gold, Xiang sound" is inlaid bronze or iron Rangzi model, namely the mold. As a verb, referring to mosaic, something is about to embed objects, or objects in the peripheral edging.


镶   甲骨文襄是镶之本字。以金为形符,指明为金属之镶接。《说文》注:“作型中肠也。从金,襄声。”镶为铸铜或铁器模型之瓤子,即内模。作动词,指镶嵌,即将东西嵌入物体,或在物体外围加边。
镶[镶]1inlay;set;mount 2rim; edge; border
 () () assist; help

