
子-23 孔Ⅰ(名) hole; opening; aperture Ⅱ(量) a cave-dwelling

孔   Oracle like a child sucking hole of the form. Knowing Mastery. "Said the text" Note: "through also." Hole justice accessible. As a noun, it means a hole, hole, hole. As quantifiers, for oil wells, caves and the like. Chinese Confucian Confucius and teacher name.

孔   甲骨文象孩子吮乳之形。会意通达。《说文》注:“通也。”孔义通达。作名词,指孔穴、窟窿、洞孔。作量词,用于油井、窑洞等。中国儒家先师名孔子。
孔Ⅰ(名) hole; opening; aperture Ⅱ(量) a cave-dwelling

