
羽-21 扇 (动) ① fan ② incite; instigate; fan up; stir up (名) ① fan ② leaf Ⅱ(量) for a door or window

扇   Fan Fan is knowing the word, it is the phonetic word. "Wen said," Note: Fei also. From households, Chi sound "fan defined as bamboo or reed series of doors. Here used as a verb, means fan fan or other sheet. Implied paper fan, fan, bamboo fans, fans, electric fans and so on. 

扇  扇是会意字,也是形声字。《说文》注:扉也。从户,翄声”扇义为竹或苇编之门扇。此处作动词用,指扇动扇子或其他片状物。引申纸扇、团扇、竹扇、风扇、电扇等。
 ()  fan  incite; instigate; fan up; stir up

()  fan  leaf () for a door or window

