
鱼-21 鲟 (名)Beluga sturgeon

鲟   Beluga sturgeon is the phonetic word. Fish-shaped symbol, look for the sound character. Sturgeon is one of the earliest extant vertebrate origin, or because of different geographical varieties have sturgeon, Chinese sturgeon, sturgeon fish, bitter December son, Zhan and other names, weight: 68-250 kg. China is one of the world's largest sturgeon species, the most widely distributed, most resource-rich countries. In our country has eight wild sturgeon species, they have distributed in Heilongjiang, Songhua, Ussuri River Basin Amur sturgeon, Kaluga, and Sakhalin sturgeon; distributed in the Yangtze sturgeon, Jinsha River Valley, Darby sturgeon and paddlefish; distributed in Yining and other places waters Moina sturgeon; distributed in the Irtysh, Buluntuohai, Bosten Siberian sturgeon. Among them, the Chinese sturgeon is a fish prized specialty, is a Chinese national level to protect animals. Sturgeons first appeared 230 million years ago in the Triassic, which have important academic value and the giant panda, it is to study the evolution of fish and invertebrates living fossils, but also has significant economic value , and living in the same waters, white sturgeon and known as China's "national treasure water." Mainly in Asia, China, Korea and Japan.

鲟    鲟是形声字。鱼为形符,寻为声符。鲟鱼是现存起源最早的脊椎动物之一,因地域或品种不同又有中华鲟、中国鲟、鳇鱼、苦腊子、等名称,体重:68-250公斤。我国是世界上鲟鱼品种最多、分布最广、资源最为丰富的国家之一。在我国境内野生的鲟鱼有8种,它们有分布于黑龙江松花江乌苏里江流域的史氏鲟达氏鳇、和库页岛鲟;分布于长江金沙江流域的中华鲟达氏鲟白鲟;分布于新疆伊宁等地水域中的裸腹鲟;分布于新疆额尔齐斯河、布伦托海、博斯腾湖西伯利亚鲟。其中,中华鲟是中国特产的珍贵鱼类,属中国国家一级保护动物。鲟类最早出现于距今2亿3千万年前的早三叠纪,它们与大熊猫一样具有重要的学术研究价值,是研究鱼类脊椎动物进化的活化石,而且还具有重要的经济价值,和生活在同一水域的白鲟并称为中国的“水中国宝”。主要分布于亚洲中国朝鲜日本等。
鲟   (名)Beluga sturgeon

