
鱼-19 鳝 (名)Monopterus albus

鳝   Moray eel is the phonetic word. Fish-shaped character, good acoustic character. Also known as eel eel, fish Shan, Luo eel, fish, snake, eel blood, often fish. Synbranchiformes about 15 kinds of elongated eel-shaped fish collectively. Eel eel is commonly known, is a Osteichthyes, synbranchiformes, together gill Branch, eels subfamily. Is a kind of fish, the body like a snake, but no scales, color have blue, yellow are two, there are two large, three feet long. Like the quiet, generally lying in the bottom. Life in the water and mud cave crevice, summer out, eleven, December hidden in the cave. Two kinds of distribution A is common eel, eel there is a mountain in Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Chongqing, Hunan, Hubei, Anhui, Henan and Guangdong and Guangxi and other places are distributed.

鳝    鳝是形声字。鱼为形符,善为声符。鳝鱼亦称黄鳝、鱓鱼、罗鳝、蛇鱼血鳝、常鱼。 合鳃鱼目约15种细长鳗形鱼类的统称。鳝鱼就是俗称的黄鳝,属硬骨鱼纲合鳃目、合鳃科、黄鳝亚科。是一种鱼,身体像蛇,但没有肤色有青、黄两种,大的有二、三尺长。喜欢安静,一般静卧在水底。生活在水边泥洞和石缝里,夏季出来,十一、十二月藏于洞中。我国分布两种,一种即为常见的黄鳝,还有一种为山黄鳝,在川、云、贵、渝、湘、鄂、皖、豫以及两广等地都有分布。
鳝   (名)Monopterus albus

