
羽-15 翩 翩翩 (形) (of dancing) lightly

翩    is the phonetic word. Female (or feather) is shaped symbol; flat acoustic character. "Wen said," There are two Notes: 1. "light appearance from the female, flat sound.." Pina defined as women's lightweight body of the state. 2 "also darting from feathers, flat voice." Pina defined as rapid flight. As an adjective, the word used in conjunction elegant, light finger action.

  翩是形声字。女(或羽)为形符;扁为声符。《说文》有二注: 1“轻貌。从女,扁声。”翩义为女子身体轻盈之态。2“疾飞也。从羽,扁声。”翩义为急速飞行。作形容词,翩翩二字连用,指动作轻快。
 翩翩 () (of dancing) lightly

