
鱼-12 鳗 (名)Eel

鳗   Eel eel is the phonetic word. Fish-shaped character, Mann acoustic character. Eel, alias eel, eels, eel, eel, green eel, eels wind, Japanese eel. Eel belongs to the species classified under the general term ANGUILLIFORMES. Also known as eel, a snake looks like a long fish have the basic characteristics of the fish. In addition eel and salmon have similar migratory characteristics. Eel fish genus, like a snake, but no scales, generally produced in the brackish waters of the junction.

鳗      鳗是形声字。鱼为形符,曼为声符。鳗鱼, 别名白鳝、白鳗河鳗鳗鲡、青鳝、风馒、日本鳗。鳗鱼是属于鳗鲡目分类下的物种总称。又称鳝,是一种外观类似长条蛇形的鱼类,具有鱼的基本特征。此外鳗鱼与鲑鱼类似具有洄游特性。鳗鱼属鱼类,似蛇,但无鳞,一般产于咸淡水交界海域。
鳗   (名)Eel

